
Issue "Would you like to try our improved style?" window opens with the last tab.
Issue Two-note tremolos display incorrectly when the stave has custom scale
Issue Swapping notes in a two-note tremolo causes corrupt tremolo (and crash)
Issue "Would you like to try our improved style?" window opens with the last tab.
Issue Slurs on the TAB Staff moves upward when inserting multiple measures
Issue Slurs on the TAB Staff moves upward when inserting multiple measures
Issue No space between barline and note if invisible key signature present
Issue No space between barline and note if invisible key signature present
Issue Musescore 3.6 - Hidden staff clef changes from other parts appearing in top staff of visible system
Issue Fixed spacers do not function with vertical justification enabled
Issue Export to PDF Fails when slashes in the part title and full score selected
Issue F9 to hide the palette occasionally crashes MuseScore 3
Issue Applying key change to a selection causes crash if transposing instrument is involved
Issue Incomplete voice in local time signature leads to corruption upon import
Issue Swapping notes in a two-note tremolo causes corrupt tremolo (and crash)
Issue Two-note tremolos display incorrectly when the stave has custom scale
Issue Clicking "Reset all styles to default" while Concert Pitch is on causes messes up Concert Pitch (see description)
Issue MuseScore 3.6 Symphony Orchestra Template Violin Errors
Issue Expose SMuFL identifiers in Master Palette
Issue Expose SMuFL identifiers in Master Palette
Issue Measure Number Offset Value Changes Everytime Opening the File
Issue First-line indentation causes multiple alignment errors.
Issue Remove Corner Radius from Default Rehearsal Mark Style
Issue MuseScore 3.6 crashes on open of a file with start repeat in continuous view
Issue [MusicXML Import] Beams are overridden
Issue Musescore 3.6 crashes when opening score with clef change right before final barline
Issue MuseScore 3.6 crashes when rearranging instrument positions and changing Ordering (see description)
Issue No-beam information lost when importing from MusicXML
Issue Cannot copy and paste guitar vibrato, palm mute, and let ring.
Issue Stems are too long on small chords with beams or hooks/flags